Posted by: h2o4energy | July 9, 2008

Water, water, everywhere!

We have to get the word “gasoline” out of our vocabulary if we are going to be successful at providing cheap energy sources for our automobiles. I am sick and tired of our politicians saying there is nothing we can do about fuel prices and that we have to look towards alternative renewable energy sources. Hogwash! Many of these same bureaucrats are in the oil business themselves and don’t give a real hoot what gas prices go up to. With their inflated salaries they don’t need to worry. We HAVE the answer right under our noses! WATER! By using an electrolysis process, hydrogen on demand is extracted from water and the byproduct is pure water and oxygen. Truly amazing isn’t it? Scientists and oil folk will tell you that it doesn’t and won’t work because they don’t like looking like fools without big answers and equations and are truly worried that if water power becomes reality, they will be out of business.

The late Stanley Meyer who was poisoned in 1998 was a pioneer with this water power technology. Then we have a Philippine, Daniel Dingle, who has been running cars on water only for some thirty years and was recently blocked shall we say, by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) from continuing with his research. Maybe its not just the oil people that are worried but those who run the international monetary system. They’re worried about a global financial collapse if water power becomes a common energy technology. The world revolves around oil. Both of these gentlemen as well as others can easily be found on YouTube and Google.

Who are these businessmen and farm lobbyists that convinced the governments of Canada and the U.S. to use food sources for fuel? What a bunch of idiots that can’t see past the ends of their own noses. You wonder why corn products have risen some 75%. Ethanol is the greatest white elephant and blunder of the millenium so far. Have your gas prices gone down? No! Have food prices gone down? No…but there are certainly many farmers and greedy business people that have profited from this great lie. I urge you NOT to purchase ethanol products!
